Wow! what a brilliant start x
It has been a fantastic week back and we have all been smiling from ear to ear at how quickly the children have settled in to pre-school life. All our newbies have been busy exploring and making new friends and our oldies have been helping them settle. There has been lots of kindness and lots of sharing going on and even our children that have had a wobbly moment, have understood the importance of all of us working together and are quickly settling in to our routines. Over the coming weeks Eirwen has planned one of her big art activities and will be introducing the children to Pop-Art. The children will be looking at and experimenting with bold colours to make self-portraits. We are hoping to take photographs of the children and help them use the computer to change them in to pop-art portraits. Eirwen will try and persuade some of her budding Andy Warhol's to let her frame some of their masterpieces and some will be put up on the display wall and of course some will go home. It will all depend on who insists on the wall or the fridge to hang their work!!
We are hoping to have a surprise for the children when they return after the weekend so look out in the garden as you walk past next week. Thanks to a couple of our past dad's, for coming to our rescue, we should finally have something the children will find endless fun in.
Lucy has planted our spring bulbs and the children get to dismantle the giant sunflowers next week, ready to be planted all over again for next September. There is lots going on over the coming weeks and months and we are all looking forward to sharing the fun with you all. Have a lovely weekend everyone and a huge well done to all our new children and all our returning children. We have been so pleased to catch up with you all and we can't wait for the fun to start. Lisa and team xxxxxxx