Cute dog alert!
My sister sent me photographs of her dogs and I thought they were too cute to keep to myself so I am sharing with you. If anyone would like to share their cute pet pictures with us, feel free. Maybe we can have a cute pet picture competition (see if we can beat our snowy day picture competition) The cutest pet wins a pet treat!
We have a little visitor every week to pre-school called Wilbur and he is the cutest little dog so much so that the staff now shout "Oh Wilbur's here" (half the time we forget to actually say hello to the parent attached to the end of Wilbur!!!)
Please share your funniest or cutest pictures of your pets (doesn't matter how old the picture is, the cuter the better!)

Molly and Bella having a snuggle (I think Bella looks a bit cheesed off to be honest)


Molly and her sister Darcy

Asleep again!!!

Molly looking too cute for words!!!