Mini Beasties this week (bugs not children!)
Hello Everyone
I hope you all had a lovely weekend, although the weather could not have made it a particularly pleasant one. I apologise for this blog being a bit late on account of me leaving my laptop cable at work and not fancying the drive to and from Stanton on my day off. As you can see from this week's title our theme is bugs! Our bug houses are in place and there have been a few viewings from some interested creepy crawlies but no takers as yet. We are planning on painting them in bright colours soon (when the rain eventually stops - I have faith that we will have a good summer) so maybe this will encourage some local bug residents to move in, or maybe the ants that seem to have taken up residency inside the pre-school might find a new home outside (that would be the polite thing to do after all)
The children love bugs and so we thought we would base this weeks theme on them as they have already been bug hunting. It may go in to next week due to the rain. We have some new IT equipment for our intrepid bug hunters and they will be able to view them on the magnifying cameras that we can set up on the tablets. We also have bug sheets to identify the creepy crawlies and pots etc to collect them in. Eirwen has been busy planting up in the secret garden (not so secret at the moment but give it time and it will be a little sensory area where the plants will eventually grow taller than the children and the bees and butterflies will thrive) Our dinosaurs and fairies will all have their own little boxes in there also. See our main pictures for just how far our little secret garden has come on since last year.
The children had a great week last week and football seemed to be a popular choice of play. There were a few rogue footballs going where they shouldn't go but on the whole (despite the football in the face for Colton) it was fun. Teddy and Finley made up their own game of 'Rollercoaster Football' (see picture) which kept them both amused for the day.
Some of you are starting to give me permission to put pictures on here but please let me know if you change your mind.
Well have a good week everyone and watch out for any bugs, feel free to bring them in for the bug houses!!
Lisa x
Teddy and Finley playing Rollercoaster Football!

Our Corner spot before picture

Our corner spot now!