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Our Week

Hello Everyone!

As promised here is the first of my weekly blog.

With the exception of just a couple of wobbly moments (the children not the staff - oh okay and the staff) we have had a really good week back after the Easter break.

We welcomed back Hannah our lovely student from last year, and it is like she never left us. The children are already lining up to plonk themselves on her lap and, based on the fact that she has a permanent smile on her face, I think she is really enjoying being back. This week I got to play football with FW! I am a little dubious about his football rules because in my opinion I got 15 goals but for some reason because the ball didn't touch the back of the net FW didn't allow most of them. So the final score in my opinion was 15 to me but according to FW it was 2 to me!!! (note to self: not to play football in flipflops - it hurts!!)

The staff toilet is like a scene from 'Night at the museum' at the moment with a very large dinosaur skeleton in there. It's quite amusing going to the loo with Trevor the T'Rex watching you! A big thank you to Tony Stroud for making this for us. It is amazing and we cannot wait for his friend Toby the Triceratops to join him in our secret garden. Jonny Carberry was busy at the start of the week and has kindly put our bug hotels up. We now have a little mini village for all the bugs to move in to when they are ready.

I finally got round to buying the sand and it was a case of free child labour yesterday with the children having to transport it from the sand bag in to the sand pit. I think they had fun doing it but I'm not paying them until they finish the job!!!

You can tell the sun cream is back out based on the smears all over the glass doors! and thank you to everyone that has either supplied lotion or remembered to put it on your child.

As you may have noticed (how can you possibly not have noticed) the fence surrounding our little veggie garden has been painted blue. The jury was out on this at first and I couldn't really decide if I liked it or not but I think once we have done everything else we have planned for it I can see that it will look fantastic. Everyone worked really hard on this and I wonder if you can tell which particular member of staff made the most mess (it's okay ?? I wont tell everyone it was you) needless to say I have the Amazon delivery man on his way as I type, armed with some paint remover!!

I was banished to the office all day yesterday trying my hardest to get the invoices completed in time for next week. I have finally done them but please remember to check they are correct. After the 30th invoice you kind of lose the will to count!

Funding forms need to be returned also please especially if you are applying for your 30 hours.

Next week in pre-school we will be sorting out the outdoor spaces and giving the whole outside area a big spruce up. Eirwen and Lucy have been busy planting up and they are starting to bring our garden areas to life again.

Monet features heavily over the coming weeks and Eirwen has her artists tunic on again and will be inspiring the children with her love of art. She is creating a beautiful Water Lily display so please look out for this.

Well that's the first of my many weekly blogs finished. I hope you remember to drop in to read them. Once I have permission slips back I will pop photographs on here for you to see.

I will end with a thought for the week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone

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