Southwold Trip

Well we have had another successful trip to Southwold and the children (and parents/grandparents) all looked happy and relaxed during our visit. The weather yet again was in our favour and we had a lovely mixture of bright sunshine with bouts of cloud that cooled us down. We were even lucky enough to be treated to an air display when two small planes went over us and did a loop the loop in the sky with coloured smoke trailing behind them. Some of our children ventured off the beach and went to see what the pier had on offer and others stayed on the beach to paddle and collect pebbles, so there will be lots to talk about with them on Monday. We had a lovely coach driver again thanks to Simonds Coaches and we will definitely be sticking with them each year. I couldn't help but look at some of our older children and think it was a little sad that this is their last visit to Southwold with us but it is special that they got to go this one last time. The younger children get to do it all over again next year. We had more dads come this time and it was so nice to see them there with their children. Selina and Natalie had their very first taste of our Southwold trip and both looked like they enjoyed it too and Amanda got to spend some quality time with H and chat to a lifeguard!! I hope you all had a lovely day everyone and I hope we get to see many of you again next year. Enjoy your weekend everybody. Lisa